Notes and News - Week of November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017

Notes and News – Week of 11/13/2017

HL’s Pieces

Dear Red Lions,

Thank you for coming out to Dumpling Night in the TD Buttery!!!   As predicted, we sold about 500 dumplings in just an hour.  Many thanks to Tongil Ko ’18, Jack Atwater ’19, and Michael Ai ’20 for organizing the wonderful event!  And, of course, I have to thank my parents Pok and Fung Lui for sharing their recipes and energy!  They spent Sunday chopping and prepping and then led the way with wrapping and cooking in the evening.  For our “photo of the week” here is a collage of our dedicated Buttery crew! 

A very special congratulations to our TD football players (Malcolm Dixon, Will Bryan, Walker Lott, Foye Oluokun, Josh Keeler, Brian Sykes, Ethan Campbell, Tyler Jost, Chris Sampleton, Tom Vissman, Spencer Matthaei, and Devin Moore) for their great victory over Princeton this weekend to clinch the Ivy League title!!!  You can read the YDN coverage by Won Jung TD ’20 for a good recap.  

As we look forward to the Yale-Harvard game and Thanksgiving break, please know that the TD dining hall will stay open this weekend for all meals.   For Saturday morning only, the Dining Hall will serve up continental breakfast to all Yale and Harvard students who show their IDs.  This courtesy extends to all Yale off-campus students as well. 

Speaking of Thanksgiving, the TD dining hall will be hosting their annual Harvest dinner, an early Thanksgiving celebration this Thursday 11/16.  All off-campus students are welcome back to the college to dine since we won’t have our usual Sunday family dinner this weekend.  For any TD students who are here over the Thanksgiving break, please join us in the TD house at 4pm on Thanksgiving day (11/23) for dinner.  The Balbarin/Luifamily has very much enjoyed making Thanksgiving dinner for the college for the last 2 years and we’re looking forward to doing it again!  Come on by to enjoy great food!!!

Here are some great events for this week:

Tuesday 11/14 5:30pm TD Senior Mellon Forum (TD House)

First Mellon Forum for the Class of 2018! TD seniors you will not want to miss a single one of these presentations if you can help it!  Come support your classmates!  Expect great food and wonderful presentations!

Wednesday 11/15 6pm TDesis Dinner with Rema Rajeshwari (TD House)

TDesis is hosting a dinner with Yale Greenberg World Fellow Rema Rajeshwari an Indian Police Service Officer with a distinguished career beginning as an Assault Commander with the “Greyhounds”, an elite special force against.  She has worked on terrorist violence and child-trafficking.  She most recently launched a community outreach program on child safety that works to educate the children of rural India to break the silence around abuse.  We are limiting attendance to 10 participants.  If you would like to join us for dinner, please email me at  Seats will be first come first-served.

Thursday 11/16 4:30pm Tea with Author Kao Kalia Yang

Kao Kalia Yang is an award-winning writer of two acclaimed books, The Latehomecomer and The Song Poet, based on her family’s experiences as war refugees escaping Laos and resettling eventually in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.  She will be reading from her latest work, The Song Poet, which was a finalist for the PEN USA literary award and a winner of the Minnesota book award.

Thursday 11/16 5-7:30pm TD Dining Hall Harvest Dinner Celebration

The TD Diming Hall staff is working on a special early Thanksgiving dinner.  Family dinner protocol will be in effect.  So please make sure to have your TD stickers so that you will be admitted to the dinner!  If you do not have your sticker, just come to the HoC office during business hours.

Without further ado, here is a word from Dean Mahurin…




The days went on one by one. The temperatures dropped. The sun grew further and further away. The leaves on the trees turned from yellow to orange, to pink, to red, to brown. Their beauty was not lost on me, their majesty in facing their end.

I made a promise to myself that first autumn. Without language, without words, I promised myself that I would never forgive or forget autumn, I would carry it in my heart always: the turning of the leaves, their flight in the wind, their inevitable fall to the ground, a return to the trees that had once upon a time made me believe in a world without end.”
(Kao Kalia Yang, “Autumn in My Heart” – go hear her read at this week’s tea!)




Nov. 18Sunday

November recess begins, 9 p.m.


Nov. 27Monday

Classes resume, 8:20 a.m.




The Mellon Mays & Edward A. Bouchet Fellowships aim to increase the representation of students of color and others with a demonstrated commitment to eradicating racial disparities, who will pursue PhDs and subsequent careers in academia. The Fellowships are open to Sophomores interested in teaching and research at the college and university level.  Those interested are encouraged to attend the upcoming Information Session.


Information Session 1

Wednesday November 15 4-5 PM

55 Whitney Avenue Room 369

(Pizza will be served)


For more information contact: Kelly Fayard, Director of Mellon Mays Bouchet Undergraduate Fellowship Program (

Pratima Gopalakrishnan, Program Coordinator (


Additional information and link to online application can be found at:


The Yale College Dean’s Office has put together a team of students to work with Dean Burgwell Howard on first-generation and/or low-income issues. They are compiling information on resources for first-generation and/or low-income Yalies. If you are interested in receiving emails on such resources, please sign up for the panlist here. Emails sent to this panlist will cover topics such as professional development and career paths, personal finances, academic resources, and campus events.



General Drop-in Advising:  Mon-Fri, 10:00am-4:00pm at 55 Whitney Avenue, 3rd Floor (when classes are in session).

Virtual Career Fair for job seekers with DisabilitiesWednesday, Nov. 15


New ISA-eligible International Internships
Students who secure international internships independently may apply to receive International Summer Award (ISA) funding. Learn more on the Office of Career Strategy website.


Reserve Space at the Office of Career Strategy for Remote Interviews (55 Whitney Avenue, 3rd Floor)
Choose times for the entirety of your interview (including set-up) and bring all equipment (laptop, microphone, etc.).  There is no phone available for the room. When you arrive, proceed to Room 366, no need to check in. Sign-Up Sheet:


Upcoming Association of Yale Alumni Career Programs: