Head of College’s Office

The Head of College acts as the chief administrative officer of the residential college and presides over its intellectual and social life, as well as having responsibility for its facilities and the general wellbeing of its students. She both lives and works in the college, and the Head of College’s House serves as a venue for many kinds of events and student gatherings.

Office Hours: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday

Head of College Office Emails
Head of College: Professor Michal Beth Dinkler
Associate Head of College: Dr. John Dinkler
Assistant Director of Operations: Samantha Gambardella
Senior Administrative Assistant II: Kimberly Rogers
Event Coordinator, Head of College Residence: Sharon Goldbloom
Timothy Dwight Aides: TD Aides

Head of College Office Phone Number
Office: 203-432-0771

Mail & Campus Address
Timothy Dwight College Head of College Office
345 Temple Street
New Haven, CT 06511