Timothy Dwight College Council (Mott Woolley)

Mott Woolley is Timothy Dwight’s College Council. It is charged with making permanent improvements to the College for the benefit of its inhabitants. Each Monday, Mott, as it is known, meets to coordinate these efforts. Mott Woolley is known for creating gear for the college, planning and executing TD tailgates (most famously for the Yale-Harvard game), and for coordinating various trips and events such as the annual Paintball Trip and TD day.

If you are interested in learning more about Mott Woolley, please contact Mott presidents Martine Dosa (martine.dosa@yale.edu) and Michaela Kroon (michaela.kroon@yale.edu).


Allen Huang (allen.huang@yale.edu)

Mott Woolley Co-President

Julian Abbosh (julian.abbosh@yale.edu)

Mott Woolley Co-President

Jules Morris (jules.morris@yale.edu)


Mott Woolley Co-President

This council is comprised of the following elected representatives from each class year:

Aden Gonzales
Kyle Shepherd
Emily Zhang
Alex Wechsler
Iris Yang
Michaela Kroon
Martine Dosa
Shubh Gupta 
Sarah Ben Tkhayet
Victoria Mnatsakanyan
Julien Abbosh 
Allen Huang 
Jules Morris
Adele Haeg
Freddie Rios Barrientos
James Kim
Maya Chatterjee
Tarek Al Husseini