TD Notes and News – Week of 5-8-23

May 9, 2023

WEEK OF 5/8/2023


Dear Red Lions,

Hard to believe but we are about to put the spring 2023 semester to bed!  This marks our last Notes and News of the 22-23 academic year.  Before Dean and I sign off …

Congratulations to TD juniors Kaleb Assefa and Maggie Schnyer who received awards from the Council of Heads of College in recognition of their outstanding contributions to campus life.  You can read about it in Yale News!  Congratulations!!!

And, of course, to our graduating seniors … we can’t wait to celebrate Commencement with you and your loved ones.  For many of your friends and family, it’s been too long since they have been here and we’re thrilled to welcome them back to the courtyard.  Your Senior Class committee will be sending out a schedule of TD events during senior week (5/15-5/19) that include brunches in the TD house, courtyard dinner, and more.  So stay tuned! 

In the meantime, our “photo of the week” features our wonderful TD Class of 2023 and is titled “A Toast to TD 23”!

To access more photos from last week’s TD Senior Dinner, please go to this link and use the password “TDC23”.  All photos are downloadable for free and you may purchase prints on the website.

And we finished another TD puzzle!!!  

To those of you who are still in the thick of finals please know that we will still continue to put out pizza tonight and tomorrow night at 10pm.  You can do it!

And to those of you who have already finished and departed campus… wishing you safe travels and a wonderful summer.  We look forward to seeing you in the fall!

Without further ado, here is a word from Dean Mahurin…




Filling Station
Elizabeth Bishop

Oh, but it is dirty!
—this little filling station,
oil-soaked, oil-permeated
to a disturbing, over-all
black translucency.
Be careful with that match!
Father wears a dirty,
oil-soaked monkey suit
that cuts him under the arms,
and several quick and saucy
and greasy sons assist him
(it’s a family filling station),
all quite thoroughly dirty.
Do they live in the station?
It has a cement porch
behind the pumps, and on it
a set of crushed and grease-
impregnated wickerwork;
on the wicker sofa
a dirty dog, quite comfy.
Some comic books provide
the only note of color—
of certain color. They lie
upon a big dim doily
draping a taboret
(part of the set), beside
a big hirsute begonia.
Why the extraneous plant?
Why the taboret?
Why, oh why, the doily?
(Embroidered in daisy stitch
with marguerites, I think,
and heavy with gray crochet.)
Somebody embroidered the doily.
Somebody waters the plant,
or oils it, maybe. Somebody
arranges the rows of cans
so that they softly say:
to high-strung automobiles.
Somebody loves us all.



May 10
Examinations end, 5:30 p.m.
May 10
Deadline for all term papers and term projects. This deadline can be extended only by a Temporary Incomplete authorized by the student’s residential college dean.

Remember that, in addition to being the last day of exams, May 10 is also the final possible date for the submission of term papers and term projects.  Of course, individual instructors may set deadlines for earlier than this date, even as they have full discretion to set deadlines as late as this date.  Beyond May 10, coursework may be submitted only with a Temporary Incomplete from me; your instructor cannot set deadlines or issue extensions for beyond May 10, even in graduate or professional school courses.  Yale College considers such deadlines and extensions invalid, and the work will not be counted toward your grade.  

As with Dean’s Extensions, the Academic Regulations permit Temporary Incompletes in only a limited range of circumstances; contact me right away if you anticipate needing one so that we can discuss your situation.  Postponements of scheduled final examinations (via ABX: “All But eXam”) also require my intervention, and may be authorized under the same set of circumstances as Dean’s Extensions and Temporary Incompletes.  As always, if you find yourself in any kind of trouble relating to the submission of work or the taking of exams, let me know right away – I’m very happy to consult on these points.