TD Notes and News – Week of 5-6-24

May 6, 2024

WEEK OF 5/6/2024


Dear Red Lions,

We are just days away from putting this academic year to bed!  So stay strong… you can do it!

Here is this week’s “photo of the week” featuring our Sophomore Lions singing at our Karaoke Party last Tuesday!  Dr. B took the picture from our balcony and you can see the packed house and electric energy sizzling through the crowd!  Thank you everyone for the beautiful memory book!  

Speaking of photos … here is the link to the photos from our TD senior dinner last Monday night.  You will need to log in with your email address and use the password “2024TDC” to access the photos.  
Also congratulations to our wonderful TD Juniors – Kennedy Wolf, Honor Callanan, Trinity Lee, and Natalie Brown – who were all selected for awards from the Yale College Council of the Heads of College for their scholarship, leadership, and overall contributions to campus life.  You can read all about them here in YaleNews.
Well, TDland, this is my last TD “Notes and News” as your HoC… it’s been an incredible 9 years!!!  I can not say enough how much I have enjoyed my time with all of you and our incredible community.  I look forward to welcoming our new HoC, Michal Beth Dinkler and her family to TD!  Have a wonderful summer!!!

Without further ado, here is a very quick word from Dean Mahurin…




Those blessèd structures, plot and rhyme—
why are they no help to me now
I want to make
something imagined, not recalled?
I hear the noise of my own voice:
The painter’s vision is not a lens,
it trembles to caress the light.
But sometimes everything I write   
with the threadbare art of my eye
seems a snapshot,
lurid, rapid, garish, grouped,
heightened from life,
yet paralyzed by fact.
All’s misalliance.
Yet why not say what happened?
Pray for the grace of accuracy
Vermeer gave to the sun’s illumination
stealing like the tide across a map
to his girl solid with yearning.
We are poor passing facts,
warned by that to give
each figure in the photograph
his living name.

May 8WednesdayFinal Examinations End!


Remember that, in addition to being the last day of exams, May 8 is also the final possible date for the submission of term papers and term projects.  Of course, individual instructors may set deadlines for earlier than this date, even as they have full discretion to set deadlines as late as this date.  Beyond May 8, coursework may be submitted only with a Temporary Incomplete from me; your instructor cannot set deadlines or issue extensions for beyond May 8, even in graduate or professional school courses.  Yale College considers such deadlines and extensions invalid, and the work will not be counted toward your grade.  

As with Dean’s Extensions, the Academic Regulations permit Temporary Incompletes in only a limited range of circumstances; contact me right away if you anticipate needing one so that we can discuss your situation.  Postponements of scheduled final examinations (via ABX: “All But eXam”) also require my intervention, and may be authorized under the same set of circumstances as Dean’s Extensions and Temporary Incompletes.  As always, if you find yourself in any kind of trouble relating to the submission of work or the taking of exams, let me know right away – I’m very happy to consult on these points.