Notes and News - Week of April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016

Notes and News – Week of 4-4

ML’s Pieces

Dear Red Lions,

I should start this communication making clear that everything I write below is real … no fooling around this time!  Thanks to everyone for being such great sports for my April Fool’s Day Memo on Friday.  TD Junior Howard Feng gets the prize for being the first TDer to say “April Fools”.  He responded within seconds of my email.  I did get some of you as well as members of the TD fellowship who all of you know as your freshman advisors for the college. TD Fellow Matthew Nemerson, who serves as the Economic Development Administrator for the City of New Haven, very much enjoyed the joke.  He wrote that the city will cancel bridge construction around the city to save money to fund the tunnel. “TD Students have all been assigned to staff the ferry boats that will soon be bringing people across the harbor each day - a small inconvenience for all of you in order to have the tunnel project. Well done! Students will be contacted about their schedule to report for Coast Guard training in May.” 

This week’s “photo of the week” comes from Mateo Balbarin who captured a TD freshmen Jorge Anaya, Claire Young, Wes Kocurek, Huy Truong, and Sandy Pecht at the 5pm seating of Friday night’s TD pop up restaurant in the buttery. 

Chef Sem Kroon and his crew (Tom Ko, Rosa Vargas, and Jack Atwater) did an incredible job!  Despite an unexpected visit from the New Haven fire department that set the crew back by 30 minutes, they served up some very fine food including chilled spicy gazpacho, perfectly seared steaks, and delicious dessert crepes.  This wonderful evening would not have been possible without additional prep and clean-up work by Alec Rodriguez TD ’18, Ben Ackerman TD ’16, and Hillary Lutkus from Calhoun College.  In true TD community spirit, freshfolk from the 5pm seating – Maraya Keny-Guyer, Margaret Kellogg, and Huy Truong—remained to help out for the 7pm seating.  From all reports, the service at the 7pm seating rocked thanks to all of you! Chef Sem and the Buttery crew will be back in the fall to bring you another Pop Up Restaurant Night.

Speaking of our TD freshman, get ready for Freshman Olympics set for Saturday 4/16!  TD Olympics captains Maraya Keny-Guyer and Kaitlin Cardon have some great ideas to rally the class and bring the trophy back to TD.  We may not be doing so well in IMs this year – ok we are at the bottom of the rankings – but we have HIGH hopes for the Freshman Olympics with Maraya and Kaitlin leading the charge!!!  Look forward to great t-shirts and a lot of fun!  We will send out a schedule shortly so stay tuned! 

Here are our important TD deadlines and events for this week:

Tuesday 4/5 4:30-6pm A Conversation with Chubb Fellow Paul Simon (Battell) 

Less than 24 hours to the big event!  Doors open at 3:45pm and we have designated a special entrance (College Street side) for the TD community.  This door will take you right to the front of the stage and the special section set aside for TD students. 

Thursday 4/7 4:30pm Master’s Tea with Sarah Parcak TD ’01 (TD House) 

Space archaeologist Sarah Parcak will discuss her fascinating career as an anthropologist and archaeologist who has worked on a range of media projects including BBC history programs and her TED talk. We are delighted that she will have dinner with students in the Thompson Room immediately following the tea.  If any of you are interested, please go here to sign up.  We have room for 20 students so we’ll take the first 20 we get!

Please note that Dr. Parcak will also be doing a large public lecture at the Whitney Humanities Center the day before on Wednesday 4/6 at 5pm on her work. 

Friday 4/8 1-3pm Mock Interviews conducted by TD Graduate Affiliates (TD House)

Sign up for mock interviews with our graduate affiliates if you are preparing to interview for internships, fellowships, and jobs this spring.  Please email our head graduate affiliate Roseanna Sommers to set up your appointment.  We have availability for up to 10 students to participate. 

Here are upcoming events for the following week of 4/11:

Tuesday 4/12 5:30-8pm Mega Mellon Finale (TD House)

This will be our last Mellon Forum of the semester and we are going out with 7 great presentations and cake and champagne!  Dinner will be served as usual, but we will toast this year’s wonderful roster of mellon presenters. 

Friday 4/15 10pm-1am TD Twist – Timothy Dwight’s Spring Formal (Anna Liffey’s)

TD SAC will be hosting our spring formal at our favorite neighborhood Irish Pub. Free food will be served. And a free drink voucher (beer or wine) will be provided for those above 21. We hope everyone can come! 

Saturday 4/16 Master’s Brunch and Freshman Olympics

We’re sending off our TD gladiators with an over the top brunch.  Our TD competitors should be both mentally and physically powered to take on any challenge thrown their way.  Dance off.. rap battle…rubiks cube… bring it on!  For those of you not competing come out and cheer them on and then eat! 

Without further ado, here is a word from Dean Mahurin…




Dean’s Domain

Musée des Beaux Arts (W. H. Auden)
About suffering they were never wrong,
The old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position: how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer’s horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.
In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
MahurINs and OUTs
Want to study a language NOT taught at Yale? Apply now to the Yale DILS Program (Directed Independent Language Study). For more information and an application, visit us at: or email
Looking for full time summer work?  The Alumni Fund in the Development Office has a job posted for a full-time summer student worker.  For more information, please go to the job posting:
SHARE Support Groups. The SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault Response & Education) Center will be offering support groups during the spring semester (dates and times to be set based on schedules of member). Where: SHARE Center (Yale Health, Lower Level) Please contact Carole Goldberg, Amy Meyers or Jennifer Czincz if you are interested in participating. Carole Goldberg:  203 432 0310,; Amy Myers:; Jennifer Czincz:  203 432
April 6                        Blue forms ( due for graduate or professional school classes that meet in the second half of the term
April 8                        Last day to convert from the Credit/D/Fail option in a full-term course to a letter grade.
                                    Last day to withdraw from a course offered in the second-half of the term without the course appearing on the transcript.     
April 22                      Last day to convert from the Credit/D/Fail option to a letter grade in a course offered in the second-half of the term.
April 29                      Classes end, 5:30pm; reading period begins
                                    Last day to withdraw from a full-term course or a course offered in the second-half of the term.
May 1                          Applications for fall-term Leave of Absence due.
May 5                         Reading period ends.
Deadline for all course assignments, other than term papers and term projects. This deadline can be extended only by a Temporary Incomplete.
May 6                         Final examinations begin
May 11                        Finals end, 5:30pm.
Deadline for all term papers and term projects. This deadline can be extended only by a Temporary Incomplete. 
May 12                        Residences close for underclassmen at 12pm.
May 23                       University Commencement
May 24                       Residences close for seniors at 12pm.
April 4                         Class of 2017 housing draw – 8:00 p.m.
April 5                         Class of 2018 housing draw – 9:00 p.m.
April 6                         Class of 2019 housing draw – 8:00 p.m.

This should go without saying, but do remember that though housing is stressful for everyone, you should not let it turn you rude or sullen or entitled.  Because TD is none of those things.

April 20          Sophomore Year Adviser Form is due to the TC Dean’s Office by 5pm. For information about choosing a Sophomore Adviser, please refer to these FAQs.
April 22          The Consultation on Long-Range Academic Plans form is due to the TC Dean’s Office by 5pm. Please also read the FAQs for answers to common questions, particularly if you are abroad this semester.
CIPE (Center for International and Professional Experience)
2016 International Summer Award: Deadline May 1
The International Summer Award (ISA) provides a stipend for one summer experience abroad for eligible undergraduate students receiving financial aid. Students must also be participating in ISA-eligible programs. Please visit the ISA website for more information and with any questions. The ISA Application deadline is May 1, 2016.
Global Summer Program in New Haven
Want to stay in New Haven but still want an international experience? You can take a Global Summer Program courses in New Haven for Yale credit. Study with students from 10 partner universities.
ANTH S207 01 (30013) – The Sustainable Preservation of Cultural Heritage: An Introduction to A Global Challenge of Our Time
Cultural and natural heritage are increasingly threatened with destruction not only
by the traditional causes of decay, but also by changing social and economic conditions. For example, in the last years we have seen the phenomena of cultural cleansing rising in the Middle East and Africa, while natural disasters have taken a toll and underlined the need to develop sustainable and global strategies for preservation. This course offers an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the complex factors that challenge the preservation of cultural heritage. Guest speakers with relevant expertise will be invited to participate in many of the class sessions. In addition, the course will draw on the collections of the Yale University Museums for discussion and as the basis of student assignments.
1 Credit. Session B: July 4 - August 5.
PLSC S164 01 (30251) – Understanding Chinese Foreign Policymaking          
Focus will be on bridging foreign decision-making theories and Chinese foreign policymaking
practice to understand the major factors that shape Chinese foreign policy. These include the following: the impact of historical legacies, systematic constraints, personality and decision making style of paramount leaders, evolving foreign policy making structure and changing bureaucratic process, fluid domestic politics, and the impact of the military, nationalism, and public opinion on Chinese foreign policy.
1 Credit. Session B: July 4 - August 5
Financial Aid Information Sessions for Year or Term Abroad Applicants
Wednesday, April 6, from 4pm – 5pm
CIPE, 55 Whitney Ave, 3rd Floor, Room 305
Nicole DePaola, a representative from Yale’s Student Financial Services (SFS) office, will hold a series of sessions to go over the financial aid transfer process for Year or Term Abroad students.
Seniors: Telling Your Story for Interviews
Thursday, April 7, 4:00pm–5:00pm, Office of Career Strategy
Create and refine your interviewing story to make the best first impression to potential employers and interview committees. Open to all seniors. 
RSVP appreciated 
Might You Be Interested in Graduate School?
Tuesday, April 12, 5:00pm–6:00pm, Jonathan Edwards Senior Common Room
Is graduate school right for you? If so, should you apply now, or wait a few years? How do you pick the programs that you should apply to? Who should you talk to in order to make the best choice? This is part of a new series all about applying to graduate school sponsored by the Office of Career Strategy; previous presentations can be found here (
Life After Yale Series: Financial Literacy
Thursday April 14, 4:00pm-5:30pm, Rose Alumni House
Join Yale Alumnus, Stephen Blum, career long CPA and investment banker to discuss financial literacy. Topics will include, how to prepare income taxes, understanding your paystub, how to budget money for eating, clothes and entertainment. 
RSVP appreciated 
Writing essays for national fellowships (for US and international students of all class years)
Don’t be daunted—join us for tips on writing strong applications for external awards, including Fulbright, Gates, Goldwater, Marshall, Rhodes, Schwarzman, Truman, and more.
Friday, April 8, 12.30pm
Friday, April 15, 3.30pm
Tuesday, May 3, 4pm